Facebook paid ads

Paid advertising on Facebook offers a a laser-targeted way to get your products and services in front of your dream customers.

However, Facebook ads can be confusing and complex to set up. You can easily end up pouring money down the drain if your paid ad campaigns are not managed carefully.

As a certified Facebook paid ads manager, I can help with high-quality campaigns that get results.

Get results from Facebook paid ads

 I can handle everything from setting up your Business Manager account to creating eye-catching ads, setting your audience targeting, launching campaigns and monitoring the results. As a qualified Facebook ads expert, my job is to make sure you get the most of out your ad spend.

I trained with one of the world’s leading Facebook paid ads specialists – Emma Van Heusen – on her internationally acclaimed, 12-week Facebook Adcelerator course. And I’m now offering paid Facebook advertising for businesses across the UK.

Facebook ads represented by Facebook icon

Call on a qualified Facebook paid ads expert

For a fixed fee, I’ll:

So, you can get on with your day job, safe in the knowledge that your ads are in good hands.


Get in touch today to find out more about my Facebook ads packages.


From £599

Ready to get started?

Book a free discovery call and let’s have a chat about your project

A few other ways I can help you

High-quality social media marketing that builds your reach and following.

Get your socials in shape with my affordable health check.

Eye-catching email marketing that converts readers into customers.