Blog writing

Blog writing is a great way to raise your profile as an industry expert and get your business in front of new customers. Blogging also helps you improve your SEO (Google ranking).

But, of course, you need to blog regularly to get results. And that can be a challenge when you’re running a business and juggling 100 different tasks.

As an experienced blog writer, let me take this job off your to-do list and craft well-researched, SEO-friendly blogs for your business.

Why hire a blog writer?

A regular blog can help you showcase your industry knowledge, raise your profile and improve your visibility in Google’s search results.

Companies that blog get 55% more website visitors and 67% more sales leads than companies that don’t*. You can read some more details on this topic in one of my blogs.

So, blogging is a bit of a no-brainer for any business. But how do you find the time to blog regularly? That’s where I can help.


*Source: HubSpot, InsideView and LinkedIn. 

55% more
website traffic

67% more
sales opportunities

Hire an experienced blog writer

As an experienced blog writer, I create well-researched blogs that build your reputation and visibility online.

I specialise in producing blogs for B2B clients, turning dry topics into engaging content so your readers will want to keep on reading. I’m a stickler for detail, completing in-depth research to ensure every blog is packed with juicy information and insights.

I craft every blog with SEO in mind, with handpicked keywords and phrases designed to boost your online search ranking (on Google) and drive more traffic to your website. 

You won’t find any AI or ChatGPT blog writing here. It’s all human-to-human content, tailored especially to you and your business.

Flat lay, top view office table desk. Workspace with blank Laptop, office supplies, pencil, green leaf, and coffee cup on white background.

Proven results for my clients

Through regular blogging, I’ve helped clients significantly increase their website traffic and dwell time (the amount of time people spend on your site). I blog for clients in the engineering, wellness, social media and professional services sectors. Clients often book me on a retainer, knowing that they can rely on me for high-quality content, every time.

See the case study below to find out how I helped an engineering firm achieve no. 1 Google rankings for their top keywords.

What you’ll get with my blog writing services:

I can offer highly competitive prices for ongoing blog retainer work.

Get in touch today to get started and read my blog on how to use a blog to grow your business.

Blog-writing services

From £299

A few words from my lovely clients…

Case Study

No. 1 search rankings for a Hampshire engineering firm

I helped Hampshire-based engineering firm Haworth Castings achieve number 1 rankings on Google for their top three keywords and reduce their costs on Google Ads.

Haworth Castings wanted to increase the number of leads coming via their website. As a direct result of my work, they began to rank number 1 for five of their top keyword phrases. The average time spent on the site increased by 1.32 minutes and the number of people bouncing straight off the site went down by 11%.

My blogs were instrumental in helping Haworth Castings meet and exceed their business targets.

Ready to get started?

Book a free discovery call and let’s have a chat about your project

Learn more about my other services

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