
National Institute for Healthcare Research (NIHR)

The project

I was asked by Chrissy Sturt, Communications Lead for the National Institute for Healthcare Research (NIHR), to provide one-to-one social media marketing training on Instagram and Facebook. Chrissy is setting up a new research hub in southern England which gives members of the public opportunities to get involved in healthcare research. Social media marketing will play a key role in promoting these opportunities.

Chrissy already had a good understanding of social media so she was looking for guidance to help her tap into the latest trends and tactics and maximise the NIHR’s reach and engagement across the two main platforms.



What I delivered

I designed and delivered a two-hour bespoke training session that focused on how Reels, Stories and paid social media could help raise the research hub’s profile. As part of this training, I took Chrissy through examples of best practice from the healthcare and nonprofit sectors.

Chrissy is already applying her new Reels knowledge and achieving excellent results on Instagram and Facebook.

After the session, she said: “I’d recommend Karen’s social media training. She has a thorough knowledge across all platforms, and real insight into algorithms and ads.

She went above and beyond to assess our accounts and had many good suggestions for how we might grow our embryonic accounts. I’d highly recommend her bespoke courses.”

See some more examples from my portfolio